
Cllr Alpha Bird Collins was duly elected as Mayor of Elstree and Borehamwood at the Town Council’s Annual meeting held on 8 May 2024.
This will be the Mayors first time elected as Mayor which is a great achievement.
The Mayor will be supported by his wife Consort Revd Louise Collins. Mayor Alpha Collins’ Deputy Mayor is Cllr Dan Ozarow.
The new Mayor and Deputy Mayor are looking forward to engaging with voluntary groups, businesses and schools across the Town and recognising them and individuals for the significant contribution made by them to the community.
Mayor, Cllr Collins, said at the Annual Council Meeting:
“Dear Fellow Citizens of our great town of Elstree and Borehamwood!
I am so pleased and honoured to greet and address you as your Town Mayor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing me to serve as your Mayor of Elstree and Borehamwood for 2024 – 2025. I shall endeavour with all my heart to work with you for the betterment of our town and to serve you as your Mayor to the best of my ability.
First and foremost, as a Christian and strong believer in Infinite GOD, I am pleased to acknowledge the presence of Almighty GOD in my life and do say: “Thank you Papa GOD the Creator of humankind.”
Many thanks go to outgoing Mayor, Cllr Rebecca Challice. We wish you well Cllr Challice and trust that your great work will continue to speak great values after your departure. May Infinite Almighty GOD bless you. Further thanks go to all my fellow councillors and to the Town Council staff for their support.
Here in Elstree and Borehamwood I am a well-known face, having served 4 years in Cowley Hill and one year in Hillside as both Borough and Town Councillor. I am known by many as ‘The People’s Councillor.’
For some of you who don’t know me, I am a ‘People’s Person’ who speaks 8 foreign languages and has travelled to 71 distinct countries. People say that I am approachable and try to solve problems due to my background in law.
My Mayoral Team for 2024 / 25 will reflect the values and priorities that I believe are important for our Town at this time:
- Deputy Mayor – Cllr Dan Ozarow, well-known and loved by many of you, especially in the Kenilworth ward
- Mayor’s Consort – Revd Louise Collins, my darling wife, who serves the churches of St Michael and All Angels, St Nicholas, All Saints and Holy Cross
- Junior Mayor – To be announced soon. Will help me connect with the Town’s young people
- Mayoral Charity – ‘Learning Through the Arts’. A Borehamwood-based charity that supports community development through creative and artistic workshops and events
I look forward to meeting you ‘out and about’ at the Civic Festival in June / July.
May GOD’S Blessing remain with you and yours.”